In addition to amp repair work, I have the highest quality, most
reliable tubes and will take care of your amp's maintenance needs.
I do custom modifications and can assist you in dialing in the
sound you're looking for. Amp maintenance for Marshall, Fender,
Mesa Boogie, Vox, Crate, Peavey, Hiwatt, Traynor, Oahu and all
the newcomers too. TUBE HI-FI SERVICE : Experience
with McIntosh, HH Scott, EH Scott, Fisher and more.
Guitar repair, basses, banjo, cello, mandolin, violin, viola,
anything with strings but piano! My fret mills and re-frets are
the worlds best! I do set-up, pickup replacement, broken headstocks,
body cracks, bridge, saddle and nut replacement. Soundboard straightening.
Minor finish work. Custom wiring. Floyd Rose replacement parts
and upgrades. Body routing. SEE PRICE LIST:
proudly I published the guitar repair price list back in 1997.
Competitors base their pricing on mine.
I have been teaching guitar and tube amp repair in the shop since
1997. The mentorship program is
the first of its kind and remains unique. I provide CERTIFICATION
for acquired skills, hands-on training and total immersion learning.
TUBE AMP mentorship teaches what cannot be found at technical
institutes. INQUIRIES...
I have owned and operated the repair shop since 1980. Established
the repair department at Parker Guitars, responsible for the set-up
and final inspection of every instrument. Experience hand crafting
acoustic and electric guitars and basses from scratch. Consider
my knowledge of vacuum tubes, pickups and guitar wiring and to
be at the top in the field. Over the years I have provided Factory
Authorized Warranty repairs in my shop for Fender, Gibson, Marshall,
Taylor, Guild, Gretch, Ovation, Orange, Epiphone, Zon and others.
I have been behind the scenes providing repair services to music
retailers of all sizes in the area for many years; Guitar
Center, Mars, and lots of small shops. I have been training technicians
who work for same companies too.
60 SECONDS FROM 95 AND 495 at
375 West St, Mansfield MA 02048
Cranky's is located next to, NOT IN, the plaza with Shaw's, Home
Depot and Staples, at the intersection of Rt.140 and West St.
If you are using a GPS to get here it may get you lost. If so
set it to 390 West St and then once you arrive drive directly
across West street to 375. You are looking for the only house
you can see from Rt 140. It's right on the corner.
Telephone toll free 1-800-FIX-ME-UP. Don't call just come, unless
you coming some distance. I am here, this is my day job.
LET ME KNOW. Currently organizing an international network of
repair persons.
HOURS: Walk in - drop off hours are Monday through Friday 12-8, Saturday and Sunday CLOSED.
[Services] Explains a bit of what I do along with some prices.
[Youtube] Here is a playlist showcasing some of what I can do..
[How much do I charge?] Most of offerings are priced here - visit our rate page, it contains FREE information you really ought to know.
[Can you service my amp?] Yes. But...
[Online Consignment Shop] Come in and see whats new this week. Best rate and best gear.
[Public Transportation and Directions] How to get here.
[About Tubes] Great FREE info. Practical, written for everyone.
[12AX7A] This is the website to buy the best tubes from.
amp] Harp players have a specialist too.
ALT="Repaired by Cranky's when the Custom Shop could not!"
[Links] This is a lot of stuff. Shop Amazon here, check out the guitar and amp books! Band links. Website links.
[Mentor] Learn how to do these trades.
[Mentor Cost] If money was never a concern, the mentorship program would be free!
[Donate!] I
know the info here is priceless, and there is no other place on
my website for you to spend money! ABOUT THE SHOP: It's a one man outfit. The shop is at ground level,
and you can get within 6 feet of the door with your vehicle for
loading and unloading (then park in the driveway). The shop is
small, 850 s.f. and I live upstairs. It's all about personal service
here. I learn what your needs are by listening, and offer solutions
if I have them.
This is no place
to bring your small kids. If you bring them have someone sit with
them outside. I raised my own kids right in the shop, so take
my word. Play guitar, bring a friend, ask questions. Bring your
tube stash - there is a free to use tube tester in the customer
area. Bring your glasses so you can read the instructions. The
entire rest of the shop is visable from the customer area! The
business area has the retail have-to-have stuff. Strings, switches,
controls, knobs, machine heads, necks, bodies, bridges, amp straps,
handles, removable casters, cables, pickups and so on.
I have the best deal on speakers because i sell them at cost plus $20 plus shipping! I move a lot of Jensen, Sica, and also stock some Celestion, Eminance and have Peavey recone kits. I have some experiece with these speakers and can help you pick out great sounding reliable speakers that fit your tastes and budget.
I am taking in guitar
repairs whenever possible! Currently accepting fret work,
pickup replacements, set-ups, electrical repairs and mods, no
major finish work. For amp work, I want to work on your Fender
tube amps, and will retube anything. If you are having reliability
problems with your older Marshall, JCM 800, I do some &qu"road
ready&qu" mods. If you have a working amp of any kind
I want to modify it!
Guitar work must wait in the same line as amp work. Premium expedited
service is always available.
The decision has been
made, there is no competition for the quality products, knowledge,
and customer service at KGC. Killer Guitar Components is a family
business making the very highest quality sustain blocks and tremolo
arms possible. The other guys suck. Happy to be representing them
here. Check
them out, then make
your purchase here for a discount! I recommend the mega-mass block
for incredible tone and sustain level, and for arm fitment and
durability. Options available.
NEW: Incredible
effort has been put into the
12AX7A.COM venture
and I want you all to check it out, please. Those of you who have
come in and listened to the sample preamp tubes
in your amp know what a powerful and rewarding service I provide.
Now you can see how to personalize your sound at home without
a technician. This new web site shows
you how. There is a lot of
FREE information
Thank you for your tremendous response! Tube
tasting - listening - service.
NEW: We welcome TV Jones to the pickup lineup! TV Jones is the real deal for Filtertron', Magnetron', Hi-Lo Tron, Powertron reproduction pickups. Mr Jones has the honor of being Brian Setzers' guitar tech, and Brian scrutinizes the authenticity of these pickup designs! If you want that Gretsch sound in a guitar you already own then I can help. There are many mounting solutions available. Be sure to check out his website, and then place your order here and get a discount!
The local service area is from Boston to Providence to Worcester to Taunton and all points in between. The shop is centrally located in Mansfield, Massachusetts . I do accept amps and guitars via shipment for repairs and maintenance. I have customers in several countries, and 37 years of experience. My customers are willing to drive unbelievable distances to get this level of service. Some of my loyal customers drive from as far away as Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Worcester loves metal, metal loves distortion, distortion is spoken here!
Great Woods Xfinity Center is minutes away. Road Call fee is $200
minimum. See
the new updated map.
I have the expertise to keep your gear working, and out of the shop! I cannot warranty my work when using someone elses tubes. Everything I need is right here so just bring the amplifier.
"I've seen these guys a bunch of times and they've never sounded this good, I don't know what you did." - fan at Boston's Rock and Roll Rumble. Billy and I went to their rehearsal space and went through every piece of gear. They needed tube amp maintenance, tubes and guitar setups. The next night they placed in the finals with a great sounding, high energy performance. Go figure!
I am able to take on almost any guitar
or amp emergency on the road. I can effect repairs at your home,
dorm room, hotel, rehearsal space, gig, studio, on your plane,
shuttle, lander, wherever! While most repairs can be performed
out in the field MOOOO, the more extensive repairs
are brought to the shop, and that's fun. Lots of folks (virtually
14.28 zillion) prefer to come to the shop. I have been
servicing all the major musical instrument retailers in the area,
but I want you to come too!
Directions are
available, as well as a downloadable maps.
Do you want to know
how to make a sensible choice in a pickup? I know the secret
to choosing a pickup and that you will be happy with. I can backup
what I have to say with Seymour Duncan pickups! If you want to
know more about pickups, and expand your listening capabilities,
all we ask in return is that you buy your pickups here.
Our prices are right where they should be! 25% off
list price for almost everything from parts to pickups including
Bartolini, DiMarzio,
EMG, Fender, TV Jones
and others as well as standard Seymour
Duncan pickups. While
Duncan and DiMarzio both offer 21 day exchanges, your best course
of action is invest in yourself; take the time to learn from me.
Then you can make your own pickup choices and get it right the
first time. Gibson pickups are available as well.
I stock some Seymour Duncan Custom Shop pickups too, like the
P-90 STAPLE pickup and the BFG-1400 Telecaster Lead pickup (hum-cancelling,
Call toll free right now and ask me how to choose a pickup! 1-800-FIX-ME-UP
How about custom wiring for your guitar? You can hear most mods at the shop on one of our several demonstration guitars before you decide. We make it fun with choices you never knew you had. Like push-pull switches that are part of the control (pot), or push-push pots for fast and easy tap on / tap off action, or a Fender custom shop 4 position switch for your Tele to add a new powerful solo voice? The list is huge, so ask questions. Personalize a knife switch do to anything you can think of? What about my Jimmy Page tribute guitar wiring?
I make a lot of custom footpedal solutions for people. I am passionate about making no compromises on the component quality. I make the best A/B switches out there, for starters. They are tough enough to be used in-reverse so you can A/B two tube heads through a single speaker cab! That aspect of my business is quite involved and so the offerings will be posted one day real soon on There has been a foreign invasion of noisey switching power supplies that are unusable for audio applications like powering a pedal or pedalboard. I really feel bad that as pedals are having their heyday that you can't get a decent power supply. My advice for the meantime is "use batteries".
Come and try out a demo guitar on a MY 1975 modified Bassman? Vibrolux or a Princeton Reverb? Seymour Duncan convertible amp?
There is no crowd of noisemakers here. You can play guitars, amps, tubes, pedals and pedal mods, in an environment you can hear yourself.
Is your amp not
exactly what you want it to be?
My personal
one-off amp mods earn high praise, and add value to the amp. One mod that all you touring bands
need to know about is the "Road-Ready" mod for most
Marshalls'. You can tell me what could be better about your amps
sound, and I can work miracles on it! Why settle for an off-the-shelve
sound? Your first step will be to come in and test drive some
tubes! It's fun. "I had no idea pre-amp tubes made such a
huge difference" - your mouth in the future. "WOW!"
Get what you want. "YES" ANSWERS ARE AVAILABLE HERE. Cranky's is unique because my can do attitude matches my abilities. Everyone gets star treatment. NEVER name dropping.
We are a Fender parts and accessories
dealer in addition to being a factory authorized service center,
so keep us in mind when you need original Fender parts - no
hassles. Discover cool stuff like Fender vintage noiseless
I must have had the largest string selection in Massachusetts. Why? I need them in the course of performing repairs, and offering the strings people like to play is important. When you asked for it, I stocked it. Ask me for box pricing on your favorite strings and save big bucks. Don't ask - oh well, we really are a repair shop after all. I won't pressure you into anything, just provide you with choices. Update: I am gettting rid of all those crappy strings you all asked me get, and getting down to just the strings I would recommend! I will still save you $$ on special order box quantities for whatever strings you want.
If you are having a guitar setup, or an amp bias checked and adjusted, then the answer is usually one week. Most retube jobs also get done in one week.
Update: I am taking new
jobs one again! Please remember that emergency service is not
possible untill I get caught more caught up. Feel free to call
and see if I can take the work you have.
The shop is doing well, but there no time for phone calls, and
"updates". Currently, I am taking set-ups on a limited
basis, custom wiring for guitars and amps, retubing (almost all
amps - call). As always no sold-state amp repairs. The maintenance
type of work is about 1 week and repair work is somewhere around
6 months.
For repair work our turn time is normally measured in weeks, and varies. That's no fish story! Other shops run in months, although they may tell you otherwise. Get references if you haven't been referred. To be fair, shops with long repair cycles may be well worth the wait! Don't go back to a repair shop that lies.
usually offer emergency
service for
fast turn around times. This
premium service is available in the shop as well as out
in the field. Normal priority in-shop repairs get completed
in industry standard time frames, and I get it done right. Premium
service is billed accordingly. VIP membership is available for
those always in a rush.
Check out our FREE super-informative page that has remained the definitive work on the subject: About Tubes! The reader response has been incredible!
Give a call 1-800-FIX-ME-UP. If you get the machine then slow down, speak your name and number, and repeat it. I will return your call as soon I can. I take up to 60 calls a day, so keep that message brief! If I am with a customer I may not be able to answer the phone, so leave a name and number...
Email is NOT the best way
to get me, but click on the shiny logo if you really feel
email is answered eventually.
The Guitar and Amp Technician MENTORSHIP PROGRAM is for individuals
and companies seeking training and certifications. I have an extremely
high success rate for my protégé's and protégée's.
I teach motivation, ethics, business skills, and craftsmanship
as well as guitar and tube amplifier repairs. Find out about this
great opportunity now.
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